
AI Course Instructor

Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC).

Since January 2025.

HPC Course Instructor

Master's Degree in Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

Since September 2020.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Universitat Jaume I (UJI).

From Sep. 2020 to Dec. 2022.

Adjunct Professor

Department of Computer Science, Universitat de València (UV).

From Sep. 2018 to Aug. 2020.

Advisored Students

Final Master Projects

Final Degree Projects

Academic Committees

PhD Predefense Committee Member

Courses Taught

Build your own supercomputer with Raspberry Pi

Introduction to high-performance programming

How to Program in C from Scratch

Slurm workload manager for system administrators